TPUG - Toronto PET Users Group
TPUG Users Group CD
TPUG Users Group CD.iso
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BASIC Source File
111 lines
0 saucers.bas
10 screen 0,5
20 audio 15,1
30 scnclr
40 dim saucer%(1560),base%(720),shot%(180),eshot%(180),per%(20)
50 rgb 0,0,0,0:black=0
60 rgb 3,0,5,5:rgb 4,0,10,10:rgb 5,15,15,0
70 rgb 6,5,0,0
80 rgb 7,0,4,0:rgb 8,0,8,0:rgb 9,0,12,0:rgb 10,10,10,10
90 rgb 11,10,0,10:rgb 12,15,0,0
100 c=3:pena c
110 read xx,yy
120 locate (xx,yy)
130 read xx,yy
140 if xx<0 then 160 else draw (to xx,yy)
150 goto 130
160 c=c+1:pena c:if c<7 then 110
170 sshape (82,100;121,108),saucer%()
180 pena black:for y=100 to 108:draw (80,y to 120,y):next
190 pena 7:draw (95,185 to 105,185 to 104,184 to 96,184):pena 8:draw (97,183 to 103,183 to 102,182 to 98,182):pena 9:draw (99,181 to 101,181)
200 pena 10:draw (99,180 to 101,180 to 101,178 to 99,178 to 99,179 to 100,179)
210 sshape (92,177;108,186),base%()
220 pena 11:draw (1,1 to 1,4 to 2,5 to 3,4 to 3,1 to 2,0):pena 12:draw (2,1 to 2,4)
230 sshape (0,0;4,9),shot%()
240 pena black:for y=0 to 5:draw (0,y to 4,y):next
250 sshape (0,0;4,9),eshot%()
260 saucx=20
270 spx=3
280 px%=92
290 gosub 970:rem set up explosion
300 rem ** main loop **
310 gosub 720:rem saucer
320 gosub 350:rem player
330 gosub 490:rem shot
340 goto 310
350 rem ** player movement **
360 ask mouse mx%,my%,b%
370 if mx%=px% then if b%=4 then goto 420 else return
380 if mx%>px% then px%=px%+2 else px%=px%-2
390 if px%<0 then px%=0 else if px%>300 then px%=300
400 gshape (px%,177),base%()
410 if b%<>4 then return
420 rem ** new shot **
430 if shstat=1 then gshape (sx,sy),eshot%()
440 sx=px%+6:rem change the 5
450 sy=169
460 gshape (sx,sy),shot%()
470 shstat=1
480 return
490 rem ** handle shot **
500 if shstat=0 then return
510 if sy=0 then gshape (sx,sy),eshot%():shstat=0:return
520 if sx>=saucx and sx-saucx<35 and sy<saucy and saucy-sy<7 then goto 560:rem hit saucer
530 sy=sy-3
540 gshape (sx,sy),shot%()
550 return
560 rem ** hit saucer **
570 rgb 20,15,7,0:rgb 21,13,5,0:rgb 22,11,3,0:rgb 23,9,1,0
580 for y=saucy to saucy+8:for x=saucx to saucx+35
590 pena cint(3*rnd(1))+20
600 draw (x,y)
610 next x:next y
620 for a=1 to 25:for b=20 to 23:ask rgb b,r%,g%,b%
630 if b=20 then rgb 23,r%,g%,b% else rgb b-1,r%,g%,b%
640 for c=1 to 100:next
650 next b:next a
660 volume 3,vol%():period 10,per%()
670 audio 15,1
680 x%=sound(10,0,0,64,254)
690 t$="you won. oh boy how exciting."
700 x%=narrate(translate$(t$))
710 end
720 rem ** move saucer **
730 blinkc=blinkc+1:if blinkc<20 then goto 760
740 blinkc=0
750 ask rgb 6,r%,g%,b%:if r%=5 then rgb 6,15,g%,b% else rgb 6,5,g%,b%
760 saucx=saucx+spx:if saucx>268 or saucx<5 then spx=-spx:gosub 800:saucy=saucy+8
770 if saucy>178 then goto 960
780 gshape (saucx,saucy),saucer%()
790 return
800 pena black:for y=saucy to saucy+10:draw (saucx,y to saucx+40,y):next
810 saucx=saucx+spx*2
820 return
830 data 100,100,102,100,103,101,103,102
840 data 104,103,109,103,110,104,116,104
850 data 117,105,116,106,110,106,109,107
860 data 93,107,92,106,86,106,85,105,86,104,92,104
870 data 93,103,98,103,99,102,99,101
880 data -1,0
890 data 99,103,103,103,103,104,109,104,93,104
900 data 93,105,86,105,116,105
910 data -1,0
920 data 109,106,93,106
930 data -1,0
940 data 100,101,102,101,102,102,100,102
950 data -1,0
960 ?"you lost."
970 for a=0 to 19 step 2
980 if cint(a/4)=a/4 then 1020
990 per%(a)=cint(-1000000*rnd(1))
1000 per%(a+1)=cint(1280*rnd(1))
1010 goto 1040
1020 per%(a)=cint(1000000*rnd(1))
1030 per%(a)=cint(12800*rnd(1))
1040 next a
1050 for a=0 to 5
1060 read vol%(a)
1070 next a
1080 return
1090 data 6000000,64,-100000,0,0,0